Dimasacat Website
Andronicus Image

Andronicus Dimasacat

A 3rd Year College of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology in Polytechnic University of the Philippines Taguig Branch.

My Interests and Hobbies

My Works


Wow Andronicus. Welcome to the team. Thank you for your unwavering dedication to our shared goals. You make every day at work a rewarding journey. XD

- Christian Harrel Y. Go

"I am delighted to provide a testimonial for my incredible teammate, Andronicus has been an absolute pleasure and has significantly contributed to the success of our team."

- Mark Ryan J. Odrunia

"Andro excels in everything, an extremely competent person with a very deep passion with everything that he does"

- Jhean Galope

"Andro thank you for helping me on some coding session and lesson. Always remember you have us THE VRZN team always got you."

- Adrian Naoe

My Goals

Certificate icon

Obtain a Professional Certification

IT certifications, like CompTIA A+, Cisco CCNA, or AWS Certified Solutions Architect, can enhance one's career prospects and knowledge.

Technical Skill

Increase Technical Proficiency

Enhancing technical skills and expertise in areas such as cloud computing, cybersecurity, or data analytics is a common goal.

Technology Trends icon

Stay Current with Technology Trends

Staying updated with the latest industry trends, such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, or IoT, is essential to remain competitive in the IT field.

Artificial Intelligence icon

Take Masteral for Artificial Intelligence

This educational journey offers a unique opportunity to contribute to cutting-edge research, gain hands-on experience, and position myself for impactful roles.



In my journey as of now, I have adopted an attitude of continual learning. The changing world of web development necessitates mastery of languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, PHP, and such. Simultaneously, in systems integration, I work on seamlessly linking disparate components. Project management becomes the glue that ties everything together, utilizing approaches to break down projects and effectively coordinate with the team.

Learning in these disciplines necessitates needs sacrifices (late nights coding, devoted planning hours), but these investments form a diverse skill set that advances in industry developments. It is not just about developing code; it is also about comprehending user experiences, optimizing efficiency, and assuring seamless integration. The industry you showed me was indeed fast-paced and demanding, but it was also a realm of endless possibilities and opportunities for growth. So I really appreciate all the learning materials, efforts teaching us, reminding us on almost every meet, and all the good things our professor done with us.


In the reflection of my future as a web developer five years from now, I visualize a seasoned professional thriving in a workspace pulsating with creativity and innovation. The challenges that I know are extremely hard and the moments of doubt have all been instrumental in sculpting my skills and fortitude.

I know it will be stressful during this journey, but I will prepare myself so I can deal whatever upcoming problems; they were investments in a future where I can blend logic and creativity, solving complex problems and contributing tangibly to the digital landscape. Yes, it's worth it. i know that the passion for web development remains steadfast, and the challenges were stepping stones, not stumbling blocks. As I look ahead, I'm excited about the prospect of continuous learning, innovation, and the fulfillment that comes with being a part of this dynamic and ever-evolving field.